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    If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you may be able to sponsor your partner or family member to migrate to Australia


    Partner / Spouse Visa

    • Those who are in Australia at the time of applying for the visa (Subclass 820/801)
    • Those who are overseas at the time of applying (Subclass 309/100)

    Prospective Marriage Visa

    • Recently engaged? You are required to marry your partner within 9 months after arriving in Australia on this visa (Subclass 300).

    New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa

    • If you are a family member of a New Zealand Citizen (partner, child or their partner’s child) but do not hold New Zealand citizenship yourself, you may qualify for this visa (Subclass 445).
    • Your New Zealand citizen family member must be either already living in Australia on a subclass 444 visa or travelling with you to Australia on a subclass 444 visa.
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    Am I eligible for a Partner Visa?

    Do you have an Australian Partner? *
    Your partner could be an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    Are you married? *
    Are you married or living together in a de facto relationship?
    How long have you been living together? *
    Do you have any children together? *
    Name *
    Nationality of visa applicant *
    City and country you are living in now?
    e.g. Sydney, Australia
    Email *
    Preferred contact method
    Phone *
    Anything else you would like to tell us?